What’s Spin Got To Do With It?

Let’s face it: PR doesn’t always have the best reputation.

When people think of PR, they tend to think about the ‘spin’ associated with things like crisis communications and high-profile public statements. They think about headlines being carefully crafted by messaging pros operating behind the scenes. 

But that’s not the kind of PR we’re talking about — the word spin makes our skin crawl at NorthPR. Instead of spinning a message, most brands rely on PR to help them launch new products into the market, make company announcements, or build the profiles of their CEOs.

Today’s PR has outgrown its narrow reputation of spin — it’s become an integral and respected part of the marketing mix. Here’s a look at some of the common PR tactics employed by us at NorthPR to elevate our clients to the forefront of the Canadian media landscape. 

  • Customer Profiles. Sometimes the best way for a brand to tell their story is through their customers. Here are some examples of customer profiles that have added a touch of authenticity to the brand messaging.  

Our 2021 Update!

PolicyMe: A Startup PR Case Study For Getting Top-Tier Media Coverage